The story of Keira Kaptures...
You are maybe asking yourself, "why did she pick this photo above to put as a header?" Well, this was one of my first photos I had ever taken. My mom, who is also a professional photographer, has taught me so much from the basics to the advanced. This photo was just my starting point of something I would come to love over the years.
This photo reminds me that I see life a little differently and that I kapture the small moments such as this photo. It was POURING rain outside that day and I remember asking myself, "what's gunna look cool in the rain?" I looked all around outside to just find something that look good, then I looked down at the concrete pad of the garage and noticed these bright yellow leaves. I knew that was the moment. This picture was submitted later on for a photography competition during highschool and it won 5th place. It made me so proud because I felt acknowledged and knew that little me could stand out amongst the crowd!
So fast foward to college, the oh-so lovely year of covid-19 (let's not redo that again), and to now as I write this, 2024; a LOT has happened in my life! I graduated from Texas A&M (WHOOP!) in 2019, worked for awhile during 2020 and started graduate school for my Master's degree. During all this, photography slipped away from me unfortunately, but life had better things in store for me. I ended up getting a sweet dog as a companion during those rough times and I met my soon-to-be husband during the most prime time of covid-19. Who knew that 2020 could have some good come out of all the abruppt changes to life around us? Fast forward some more, I have my Master's, I am happily married with our dog by our side, living in our first home, family and friends are well, and our health is well. I hope to carry on my mom's legacy and to fulfill a lot of dreams of traveling + photography. Thank you Mama to everything you have taught me over the years. I hope to rebuild my story with photography over time and to be able to tell your story too!